the blog
pairs well with hot coffee or your favorite sparkling beverage souvenirs to cherish for alwaysWelcome to the blog!
posts as far back as 2009
I hope you enjoy perusing stories and images from the last several years. It is well saturated with animal and travel photos. The blog was a passion of mine for quite some time but in 2016 I took a break. Glad to finally be back!
a letter to time
Oh hello March of the year 2020. What a weird place we find ourselves in! The world is in a very scary place, the media is flinging news not only at our heads but also our hearts and I can’t see...
Why I Have All the Feels About Photography
Hello! And welcome! In case you are new to my writing, you will quickly learn that I am exceptionally long winded and it may take me a while to get to my point. If you are looking for that specific...
Winter at 5300′
Living at the northern 45th parallel for most of my life means winter is a big part of my year. A really big one.
Another Morning
From where I lie, I can hear scampering nearby. Paws pounding against the floor. Bodies coming up against walls and furniture. I take note of the time; 5:24am. I readjust myself - moving pillows and...
back burner
After months of silence on the blog, I popped back up to update folks on what the delio is!
feeling excited for
The amazing and boring of life in New Zealand
i LOVE sunshine :: minneapolis pet and travel photographer
oh sunshine, how I love the, let me count the ways! … eh, let me just show you my examples 🙂
fall photo update :: minneapolis pet and travel photographer
Despite feeling overwhelmed with the copious topics I could write about, tonight I hunkered down with a bowl of popcorn and threw a [figurative] dart at the list and came up with …
four years on
Looking at where life is 4 years after it hit a fork in the road and started down a very different path than what was expected…
What are you waiting for?