I wanted her to play with a few toys that haven’t gotten as much attention lately because they are at the bottom of her toy box so… enter GoodPaw Tire. It is not a favorite, but it is pretty stinkin cute!
I uncovered the great orange chair! It has been in my basement since I brought it back in from the yard. That chair does not fit through doorways the best, so I think it might be stuck where it is until the snow melts.
I feel like Mrs. Roux looks quite knowledgeable in this one. Almost like it should be the photo on the back of her first book. “The Life and Times of a Suburban Pup” …. It has a ring to it, no?
You know what else has a ring to it? Me taking pictures of YOUR beloved!
It sounds like I am taking pictures of a kitty come the new year. I’m excited for that! Anyone who knows anything about me knows how much I Love (with a huge capitol L) kitty cats. I find them to be tricky to photograph though, because they are usually content just sleeping. Don’t get me wrong, a tiny puff ball sound asleep on a pillow is as cute as a button, but there is so little energy and expression to work with. Regardless of my preconceived ideas, I am excited for the challenge to get more than just 2 cute pictures 🙂 Sign me up, Jo!
Speaking of cats…. I simply LOVE this picture! It is me, my parents and my kitty cat, Molly. Our little family. I’m not sure what New Years this is but it must have been either 1993 or 1994. With that flash back, I will bid you adieu. Have a swell night! And Monday!
I really like your family picture. Molly looks like my Samantha who has been gone for a while. I would love to have another black kitty. Roux does look quite knowledgeable.
Jess- hi it’s missy and james drescher! We just started a blog- like a couple days ago so I thought I would link you. I am still new to this whole world of blogging thing. Your page looks so amazing and CUTE! Anyways- thought I would drop by and tell you we’ve joined the blogging world and if you don’t mind I linked you as a blogging buddy. Hope all is well in your neck of the woods!! 🙂