Recently when I did my photo shoot at the Walker Sculpture Garden I took a few preliminary photos just for my own enjoyment. I really can’t get enough of the garden and it’s photographic possibilities. I also always seem to time it right to get light that is just wonderful. The kind of light that you really can’t take a bad photo in. I think part of why I love the place is because I love love LOVE architecture and some of those sculptures have similar qualities making them really great inspiration points. Yikes! That was a load of inspriational information which is usually not my thing. Regardless, I am looking forward to tooling around my new neighborhood and lakes area looking for fun stuff to take photos of. I really love the idea of all that Minneapolis has to offer me for photos. I am living in the Antique meca on 50th St. so I should have some nifty stuff to work with.
Anyways, assuming my computer is not totally dead, I hope to be more inspired and therefore posting frequently in my very own space! We’ll see 🙂 But i’m looking forward to the idea of it. For now here are my 2 faves from the walker.
Your classic “spoon and cherry” photo. I see them all over the place. Posters. Postcards. Websites. But I do love it. It is so Minneapolis!
And this was just cool.
Happy Wednesday!