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pairs perfectly with a warm cup of coffee, a cold beer or a delicious glass of wine

mmmm meat! :: minneapolis pet photographer

Most posts about my girls start with “I know I’ve said it before, but I’m cat crazy” … this one should be no different.

Sometime last year Murray and I were wandering around our little corner of the world checking out the little shops, most of which are of the antique variety. We stumbled upon an {amazing} non-antique store which also happens to be right at the end of our ally called Woody’s Pet Food Deli. When we went inside we knew immediately it was a place where mega animal lovers go to get their pet food. It is a shop that only sells meat. Raw meat. Of all varieties! At the time I assumed that it was only for dogs so after not seeing any new cat toys I needed, we moved along.

Now Mur was always the ‘strong’ pet parent in our family. I was the softy that would let the girls sleep with me & felt bad if they weren’t allowed to roam to the basement or bask in the sun on the square. Mur was the enforcer and used the word “no!” a lot more than I did. So when I got home in September, this all became far too evident as the cats started to rule the place even more than before. It started to drive me batty!! They were waking me up every morning like clockwork demanding breakfast, they were eating food and trash out of my garbage, they were eating LOAVES of bread along with bags of bagels, pitas and baguettes off of my counter. And I once had to wrestle a chicken breast out of Digi’s mouth. No joke. They were climbing on shelves and counters they knew they shouldn’t be on, up on the mantel, clawing at the plastic on my windows, eating all my plants and in general, becoming all around terrors! … And all of this seemed to revolve around food. They would act out in ways they knew bothered me so that I would give them attention and ultimately, feed them. It was their little game and it was running my life! You may think I am giving them too much credit or am just insane, but before you think that, read this next bit …

chocolate moose images, minneapolis pet photographer, woody's pet food deli, cat food, diet, pet food, meat, minnesota, cat portraits, mini muffins, meat muffins, cats chocolate moose images, minneapolis pet photographer, woody's pet food deli, cat food, diet, pet food, meat, minnesota, cat portraits, mini muffins, meat muffins, cats

In November I was running low on food and found myself with a somewhat free afternoon to just do what I wanted. I had come to the realization that something had to change with the girls and I was going to start my investigation with their diet. I stopped into Woody’s to talk to them about food and met a fantastic woman who was incredibly knowledgeable! After I explained what was going on and the antics my cats were up to, she said “they are hungry. that’s why they keep doing this. they aren’t getting the nutrients they need from their current food…” WOW! It all made so much sense!! I had been buying what I thought was premium dry food but it just wasn’t what they needed. We talked for quite a while and in the end, she sent me home with a large selection of samples to try with the girls. It was amazing!! I was absolutely giddy as I walked home {just ask my dad!} and I had little containers of buffalo, duck, pheasant, Cornish game hen, rabbit and chicken lining a shelf in my freezer.  They went through it very fast and even in the week or so it took to use up my samples, I could tell a difference in their mood and habits. It was phenomenal!

chocolate moose images, minneapolis pet photographer, woody's pet food deli, cat food, diet, pet food, meat, minnesota, cat portraits, mini muffins, meat muffins, cats chocolate moose images, minneapolis pet photographer, woody's pet food deli, cat food, diet, pet food, meat, minnesota, cat portraits, mini muffins, meat muffins, cats

Before I knew it, I was buying several pounds of meat to have on hand for breakfast and dinner. For Christmas and New Years I even got them something special to have… Rabbit and Quail. I’m such a good kitty mama!! And while they are still anxious for their meals, they don’t wake me up anymore. They don’t eat my bread. They don’t act quite as crazy. And because of all of that, our lives are all a smidge better. Hooray for good food!!!

chocolate moose images, minneapolis pet photographer, woody's pet food deli, cat food, diet, pet food, meat, minnesota, cat portraits, mini muffins, meat muffins, cats

Meat is a lot different than dry food so how do I know how much to feed them, you ask? Well, I figured out a system.
And with all of my systems, there usually is a story behind it …

Mur was a huge fan of muffins. He was always so excited when I would get up early to make him chocolate chip muffins to take to work or brought him breakfast in bed. And I am a huge fan of things that are little … so I decided to get mini-muffin pans a few years ago because I knew I would make us more muffins if they were mini. It was really a win win purchase. So when I bought my first large container of meat I used Woody’s recommendations and the girls prior eating habits to figure out about how much to give them. After debating about making them meatballs, I decided I didn’t really want to roll duck around in my palm in order to shape them. I love you girls, but not enough to ‘play’ with meat. So after quite a bit of thought and container testing, I realized that the mini muffins fit the exact amount of meat I need for their meals. Alas, meat muffins were born.

chocolate moose images, minneapolis pet photographer, woody's pet food deli, cat food, diet, pet food, meat, minnesota, cat portraits, mini muffins, meat muffins, cats chocolate moose images, minneapolis pet photographer, woody's pet food deli, cat food, diet, pet food, meat, minnesota, cat portraits, mini muffins, meat muffins, cats  

I think Mur would be a bit disappointed that I have converted our mini muffin pans from chocolate chip to meat, but he would definitely love how excited I am and support it regardless!
… but we probably would have bought some new pans for only meat muffins.

The meat isn’t quite as expensive as I had imagined, which is nice. It definitely is a more expensive way of feeding the girls but really, it’s totally worth it. They are happier and I am happier so until the day I can’t buy myself food, I’ll be feeding them these tasty muffins. With every container of meat I get from Woody’s, I divvy it up into the pans and freeze them. Then once frozen, I pop them out and store them in a container and thaw as needed. They each get one muffin for breakfast and one for dinner {and as snacks during the day if they are really good or really cute} and it’s topped off with some dry food in part to keep them from inhaling their food like Roux and to help me keep the expense down a bit.

chocolate moose images, minneapolis pet photographer, woody's pet food deli, cat food, diet, pet food, meat, minnesota, cat portraits, mini muffins, meat muffins, cats

As soon as I was a converted meat-feeder, I knew I wanted to do a ton of photos and write a huge blog post about how amazing this all has been and how much I love the shop! The photo shoot was pretty hilarious because I was not only photographing meat {strange} but I was taking photos of my cat’s new favorite food … and they have great noses. I had to wait for the sun to come up and be shining into my apartment which was well after breakfast. So by the time I was ready to take photos they were ready to eat…

chocolate moose images, minneapolis pet photographer, woody's pet food deli, cat food, diet, pet food, meat, minnesota, cat portraits, mini muffins, meat muffins, cats chocolate moose images, minneapolis pet photographer, woody's pet food deli, cat food, diet, pet food, meat, minnesota, cat portraits, mini muffins, meat muffins, cats

… it was tricky getting photos of just the meat muffins and not my cat’s heads 🙂 And the photos of the containers went something like this…

chocolate moose images, minneapolis pet photographer, woody's pet food deli, cat food, diet, pet food, meat, minnesota, cat portraits, mini muffins, meat muffins, cats chocolate moose images, minneapolis pet photographer, woody's pet food deli, cat food, diet, pet food, meat, minnesota, cat portraits, mini muffins, meat muffins, catschocolate moose images, minneapolis pet photographer, woody's pet food deli, cat food, diet, pet food, meat, minnesota, cat portraits, mini muffins, meat muffins, cats chocolate moose images, minneapolis pet photographer, woody's pet food deli, cat food, diet, pet food, meat, minnesota, cat portraits, mini muffins, meat muffins, cats

So I let them lick the carton afterwards. I felt like I was giving my kids the spoon after we mixed up some brownies. Ha!

In the end, we are all in love with this diet. And the people at the shop are fantastic, super nice and incredibly knowledgeable. The only draw back is that I am now basically feeding my cats like a dog, so it’s hard for me to leave them. Well, their diet is not the only reason it’s hard for me to leave them but it’s a bigger factor now than before. But I won’t go back to just dry food. Nope. These girls will be eating quail, duck and rabbit for years to come. Mmmmm….

So if you can relate to any of the above nightmares, I’d suggest looking into your animal’s diet. That just might be the ticket to a longer night’s sleep and leaves on your plants!



steffen family! :: minneapolis pet photographer

oh man … this day after Christmas was THE best day after Christmas I’ve had in a while. I got to spend time with my good friend Emily Steffen and better yet (sorry Emily) I got to play with her and her lovely husband, Aaron’s kiddos. The fuzzy variety.

chocolate moose images, pet portaits, dog portaits, pugs, wisconsin pet photography, minneapolis pet photographer,  chocolate moose images, pet portaits, dog portaits, pugs, wisconsin pet photography, minneapolis pet photographer,

chocolate moose images, pet portaits, dog portaits, pugs, wisconsin pet photography, minneapolis pet photographer,

ok … let’s be honest, Gweny is an amazing sweetie but this whole family is stinkin adorable. Come on … just look at the style and pug love!!! Emily is so creative she made Ed’s tie and Gwen’s sweater. AND the blanket they are sitting on. So crafty!!

chocolate moose images, pet portaits, dog portaits, pugs, wisconsin pet photography, minneapolis pet photographer,  chocolate moose images, pet portaits, dog portaits, pugs, wisconsin pet photography, minneapolis pet photographer, chocolate moose images, pet portaits, dog portaits, pugs, wisconsin pet photography, minneapolis pet photographer,  chocolate moose images, pet portaits, dog portaits, pugs, wisconsin pet photography, minneapolis pet photographer, chocolate moose images, pet portaits, dog portaits, pugs, wisconsin pet photography, minneapolis pet photographer,  chocolate moose images, pet portaits, dog portaits, pugs, wisconsin pet photography, minneapolis pet photographer,

chocolate moose images, pet portaits, dog portaits, pugs, wisconsin pet photography, minneapolis pet photographer,

I seriously can’t get enough of this family!!!!!! If you’ve been keeping an eye on my blog you probably saw my Edward post just a few weeks ago… And possibly the post from his 10th birthday and maybe even our first photo shoot last day after Christmas. Clearly, I have a great time with these guys each and every time we meet up for pug photos!!! I love watching pugs or any other canines or felines {and their parents} grow over time. And people who really love their animals are my favorites 🙂

chocolate moose images, pet portaits, dog portaits, pugs, wisconsin pet photography, minneapolis pet photographer,  chocolate moose images, pet portaits, dog portaits, pugs, wisconsin pet photography, minneapolis pet photographer,

chocolate moose images, pet portaits, dog portaits, pugs, wisconsin pet photography, minneapolis pet photographer,

cute boots!!!

chocolate moose images, pet portaits, dog portaits, pugs, wisconsin pet photography, minneapolis pet photographer,  chocolate moose images, pet portaits, dog portaits, pugs, wisconsin pet photography, minneapolis pet photographer, chocolate moose images, pet portaits, dog portaits, pugs, wisconsin pet photography, minneapolis pet photographer,  chocolate moose images, pet portaits, dog portaits, pugs, wisconsin pet photography, minneapolis pet photographer,

hooooooray!!!! love you guys!!!!!! and remember, pugs not drugs.

wylie :: minneapolis pet photographer

My mind has switched over from business to crafty and it’s totally buzzing! In that totally spacy, arty mind I just realized, WYLIE hasn’t made it on here!!!! He showed up on my facebook page here in October but never on the blog. I’m so sorry Wylie – it’s been a hectic fall but that’s really no excuse. So without any more delay, please give some comment love to Wylie + his lovely mom Neve!!!!!

wylie, corgi, minneapolise pet photographer, chocolate moose images. dog portraits, pet photography, iowa, kid and dog

 wylie, corgi, minneapolise pet photographer, chocolate moose images. dog portraits, pet photography, iowa, kid and dog wylie, corgi, minneapolise pet photographer, chocolate moose images. dog portraits, pet photography, iowa, kid and dogwylie, corgi, minneapolise pet photographer, chocolate moose images. dog portraits, pet photography, iowa, kid and dog wylie, corgi, minneapolise pet photographer, chocolate moose images. dog portraits, pet photography, iowa, kid and dog

wylie, corgi, minneapolise pet photographer, chocolate moose images. dog portraits, pet photography, iowa, kid and dog

wylie, corgi, minneapolise pet photographer, chocolate moose images. dog portraits, pet photography, iowa, kid and dog wylie, corgi, minneapolise pet photographer, chocolate moose images. dog portraits, pet photography, iowa, kid and dog

such a sweetie – both of them! Neve was so excited for me to be working with Wylie which made this whole thing that much more enjoyable. She was fantastic at following my instructions and giving treats when necessary. Thanks Neve!!

And the beautiful collar that Wylie is wearing in some of these photos? From the AMAZING R.E.Stowe. I’ve had the fortune to really get to know Heather and she is FAN-TASTIC. Her collars and leashes are handmade and beautiful. Please, check out her site!! I’ll have more photos of her work before too long because she has been kind enough to send me some to have modeled. The girls will only use her leashes – I mean, I guess they don’t really have a choice but that’s not the point… I can tell they are picky and wouldn’t use anything else 🙂


…  Besos!  …

2012 … the year of the gift

** note … this is a much longer post than I anticipated when I settled on the title and edited the photos included.
In a nut shell, it’s about making people happy in 2012 with {handmade} goodies but for more details, read on***

Well, the 2011 Holidays have come and gone. Anniversaries. Birthdays. Thanksgiving. Christmas. New Years. As the year wore on after September and October, I started thinking that it might be best if I just ‘skipped’ the holidays this year. Yes, I would experience the actual ‘dates’ but I wouldn’t necessarily do the same things that I had done in the past. I knew I wouldn’t be able to celebrate the same so what did it matter if I didn’t really celebrate at all. The Nelson family gatherings have always been more about spending time with each other, trying out new recipes or re-experiencing old favorites and playing some sort of game than it is about the celebration of a specific holiday. I’ve come to learn the Perdues are very similar. I figured I might be able to handle all that if I just pretended it was just an ordinary Thursday or Sunday. To some degree it worked … there weren’t quite as many crying fits as I expected, I got hugs when I needed hugs and space when I needed space and at times I was able to pretend I was still in August because the sun shone bright and the temps were unseasonably high. I thank Mur for that.

iowa, minneapolis, minnesota, minneapolis pet photographer, chocolate moose images, crafts, necklaces, handmade onesies, family

I went on little hikes on Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years which I know he would have loved. I took photos of the animals around me and I enjoyed the outdoors. I ate a LOT of good food and drank my fair share of wine and champagne. I received amazing gifts and gave some that I was incredibly proud of, all of which made people smile.

And that is {one of} the points of my post… I decided that 2012 is going to be a year of gifts, mostly handmade, for people that I love more than anything else. I want to bring people joy on a random Tuesday. I want to send cards through the mail. I want to write down my thoughts, feelings, appreciations and congratulations. I want to be crafty.

After I got back from Iowa in September my dad brought over a stack of cards that came in the mail while I was away. While they were all nice and incredibly touching {and I honestly appreciated them all}, there were 2 different packages that really stood out to me. They both came from long {and to some degree, lost} family friends. As I have discussed on here in the past, my mom was an amazing woman who touched so many people’s lives. It’s absolutely incredible how many people still carry her with them. One of her close friends {Cindy} sent me a beautiful journal and a heart filled card that was originally gifted to her by my mom. Inside was a {rather cute} picture of me and Cindy from when I was quite a bit younger. It really touched me that she still had this card and photo but even more so, that she gave it back to me to be something I could treasure. It reads as if my mom is giving it to me in a time of need and no words can really explain how that feels. 
Another of mom’s friends {Barb} had also saved cards and letters that my mom sent her back in the 80s and 90s with heartfelt messages and lots and lots of love and ‘sloppy kisses.’ Even just touching them made me feel closer to her. I absolutely love that handwritten and handmade things can mean so much to people for a life time. Those that are keep for years and years can evoke such emotion and memory at even just the sight of them. Sure, today we have digital photography and emails that easily live on computers and hard drives where they can be protected, but for someone to take the time to construct something that is meant for you alone and to take the time write out a card letting you know how important you are… that’s something beautiful. And I surely don’t think I’m alone with finding joy in the discovery of treasures in my mail box.

So alas, this all has given birth to ‘2012 – the year of the gift’ …

I kicked it off at New Years with goodies for my Iowa family.

iowa, minneapolis, minnesota, minneapolis pet photographer, chocolate moose images, crafts, necklaces, handmade onesies, family

Murray would love this. Man oh man. He would love this! But I think he’d want a star in place of a heart so it’s more dude like.  The story about these starts back in late September. I stumbled upon a lovely artist at a craft show who had a pendant for sale in the shape of MN, with a fork and a knife cut out of it. Being the food lover and crazy-proud Minnesotan that I am, I had to have it. I gave her my business card as well and mentioned what I did and told her how much I loved this pendant! Soon after that she found me on Etsy and long story short, I asked if she ever did custom creations and she said “no problem!” I just had to provide her the location of Griswold, and that was that. I am so in love with these!! It’s a simple and totally special way to stay connected to that home for all of us, even if we aren’t always there. I know it means different things to me than the rest of the Perdue’s but I would still hands down call that one of my homes.
So, once I had the pendants I whipped up the chains and such and then made my new favorite thing to make … packaging.

iowa, minneapolis, minnesota, minneapolis pet photographer, chocolate moose images, crafts, necklaces, handmade onesies, family

    iowa, minneapolis, minnesota, minneapolis pet photographer, chocolate moose images, crafts, necklaces, handmade onesies, family iowa, minneapolis, minnesota, minneapolis pet photographer, chocolate moose images, crafts, necklaces, handmade onesies, family

goodness sakes … the sewing machine that I got for Christmas last year helped me make just a few projects in it’s first several months but in 2012? That baby is going to purr night and day!!! I’m so excited. SO excited. 🙂

Besides the necklaces, I made some {super!} cute onesies for my little niecey but shame on me, failed to take photos of them when they were done. I have my fingers crossed {quite tight} that I’ll be able to see her in my absolute favorite one but she is growing like a weed so I’m a bit worried. Again, fingers.crossed. While I don’t have photos of the completed onesie, I do have a few ‘in progress’ shots. Here you can see all the necessary ingredients for creating it as well as a partially complete version.

iowa, minneapolis, minnesota, minneapolis pet photographer, chocolate moose images, crafts, necklaces, handmade onesies, family iowa, minneapolis, minnesota, minneapolis pet photographer, chocolate moose images, crafts, necklaces, handmade onesies, family

Well goodness… that turned into a long post!! … There will be far more crafty things on here over the course of the coming year. I have a new {homemade} sketch book of ideas I want to make and couldn’t be more excited to get started!!! Take care everyone!! And I encourage you to find something that sparks you as much as being creative and making people smile seems to be making me. I reach for any ray of sunshine I can these days and this is a huge one for me!


… and don’t worry, more pups + kitties to come soon.