Best Cat Sitter Ever :: minneapolis pet photographer
Weeks and weeks ago a good friend of mine asked if I would take care of her kitties while her and her wife were away on a fantastic vacation to Seattle. I didn’t even have to think about it – of course I would! She is an awesome friend, she has taken care of my cats more times than I think I can count and duh, it’s taking care of cats – it’s not like I’m watering plants or something.
I actually had the pleasure of photographing these two kiddos 2 years ago shortly after Charly and Jaime adopted them. They haven’t changed too much except that Dijon was not thrilled that his moms were gone. He barely left his hiding place and actually wound up making me jump one morning when he all of a sudden appeared in the kitchen! But Hobbs … Hobbs was a lover and really, really enjoys her tassley toy 🙂 We had a great time all week and I was so excited to get some new photos of this little pumpkin in their super fun kitchen.
Winter Thaw
“This winter was a hard winter.”
I think any Minnesotan would agree with me on that statement. Not only has it been the usual cold, depressing and annoyingly dark, but it’s been long. Very long.
But seasons move forward and today has been amazing. The day is still young (and I have plenty of eating still to do!) but it’s been glorious!! My reason for bringing up the weather (yet again) is because I’ve learned that this year, it really has been playing with my mood and creativity. Today I used my camera for the first time in a while and it was fantastic! Yes, I’ve been doing copious amounts of quilting and other sewing projects, but my photography has really taken a back seat this winter. I think I definitely needed it and today I feel refreshed!!
My girls hung out on the square for a big chunk of the early morning and again this afternoon. [if you are new, see this post for definitions of ‘the girls’ and ‘the square’]. They weren’t quite as gracious about mom taking photos as I recall, but I’m sure they just want some uninterrupted square time before switching to model mode.
Ok enough of sitting on my computer – I’m heading outside! 🙂
I certainly have been staying busy the last few months, which is amazing!
+ I’ve played with a handful of pups and kitties, each one totally fantastic in their own way.
+ I’m working obsessively to finish my first quilt! It’s comin. And to give you an idea how much time I’ve spent on it, I have now listened to 5 books, countless episodes of This American Life, watched almost all of House of Cards and plan to probably start in on a bit of a Harry Potter marathon. For the record, serious quilters are amazing. This is an INCREDIBLE amount of work!
+ And because I caught the quilting bug, I have also started on #2 and #3. I can’t wait to see those really take shape!!
+ I turned 27.
+ I used my brand new Le Creuset pot for an amazing meal I want to make once again … Thank you Barefoot Contessa. You’ve done it once again.
+ I got through another wave of birthdays and holidays I didn’t really want to face. And while I ‘faced’ them in the respect that I woke up each morning and went to bed each night, I didn’t really do traditional holiday things. And I’m ok with that. One day that will all work out again.
And now? Well, I have so many things up my sleeve for 2013 that I am almost busting at the seams. One thing that is really important to me again this year is to keeping writing all this stuff down. I am hoping to post more and more but if my girls demand some attention, I think they are going to win. I want to live in the ‘now’ and embrace and love everything around me.
If you aren’t already a fan of my facebook page I would really recommend it! I post a lot more on there than here these days so you’re guaranteed to get peeks at the latest, greatest 4 legged kiddo before they grace these pages. Seriously – go like it now! 🙂
But to catch you up, here are some of my favorite images from the last several months 🙂
phew! well maybe ill find that getting the first post in a long time completed is the hardest step? 🙂
2013 :: minneapolis pet photographer
… I started writing a post that had the tone of ‘let’s reflect on the last 12 months’ and I scratched it. Then I started writing a post that bridged the emotional turmoil of 2012 to a breath of hope for 2013 and I scratched that too. Too dramatic.
Who would have thought it would be so hard to come up with a good “welcome to 2013” post?!
In the end what I’ve decided to say is short and (I hope!) sweet …
Life is tough. Life knocks you down. Life gives you a hand to get back up and start anew. And then life offers you a glass of wine. For me, in late 2011 it knocked me down. In 2012 it offered me a hand to get back up and start anew. And that leads to 2013. I feel this will be the year when life says, “here, you deserve a glass of wine.”
I am exhilarated and very nervous for everything the next year will bring. I have a feeling it’s going to be as amazing as it possibly can be and I will end it with a triumphant fist pump to the sky and a ‘you betcha!’ But I guess that last part remains to be seen…
Before I officially say sayonara to 2012 I do want to say an enormous THANK YOU! to my absolutely ah-MAZING clients from the last year!! You and your animals made this year what it was and I am so thrilled to have met you all!
Oh boy, I’m excited. And now, who is in need of one of the cutest kitties on the planet in the most amazing cat hat ever??
Ok … so I feel like the ones above paint a photo of a rather stylish and happy kitty who is just hanging out and ready to hit the slopes as soon as this lady with the camera will let her, but the one below??
Ha! This might be how she really feels about the stupid hat with ear flaps and pompoms.
Happy 2013, everyone. Stick around, it should be pretty exciting!!