minneapolis pet photographer :: pug party!

Last Sunday I had a BLAST at Pug’s birthday party! I have oooooodles of photos to show but for now, I have just a little teaser 🙂       Happy 10th Birthday, Pug!! … and stay tuned for more photos!

minneapolis pet photographer :: the girls

I can’t get enough of these girls. They are feisty and fluffy and definitely on their own sleep schedule but they love us unconditionally – assuming food is on the horizon. A few weeks back I wasn’t feeling so hot and decided it was best I stay home from work and the...

minneapolis pet photographer :: Ms. Roxie

A few weekends back I got to spend a bit of time with little Ms. Roxie, which was great! Roxie is a much more reserved lady than the rest of the animal-clan I hang around with. Our paths have crossed only a few times before but it wasn’t until the other day I really...

minneapolis pet photographer :: products galore

As I mentioned loosely a while back, I’ve had a busy couple months. Part of what I’ve been doing is getting new stuff designed and printed so I can have some fancy-smancy new samples to show clients and new cards to hand out to interested pet lovers. It’s been so fun...

minneapolis pet photographer :: 2011!

March 15th, 2011 … seriously – where did the first 2 1/2 months of this year go?!! Sometimes I really can’t get over how fast life moves. Not that I wish it would slow down all the time, but certain things – vacations or time at home or days with family and kitties –...

Tony + Erin … part 2!

… I really do love people in love. You can’t help but smile and be happy! Here is part 2  – the much longer part – of all the fantastic cold fun Tony, Erin and I had last weekend. I had a hoot and loved so many of these photos that I had to post gobs of them. Enjoy!  ...