final wedding of the season …

… And no, I am not turning my business towards weddings even after the wonderful summer and fall I have spent shooting. It’s still not going to be my focus BUT I’m warming up to the idea of doing a wedding or two every once in a while. The couple would just need to be...

iowa family

I know I’ve said it before, but it truly is always a treat to get down to Iowa to visit everyone. A few weeks back I posted just a handful of photos from the festivities and then last weekend I one-upped myself and made a fancy-smancy video. I still don’t really...

Up Noooorth

… A little tangent before I get started here: One of my favorite things about being a Minnesotan is being able to really say that word. Minn-e-sooooo-tan. Only a true Minnesotan can do it justice. And getting the long ‘O’ right gets easier and easier the more North...

cannon river winery

This all starts over a year ago… I got an email blast from a local liquor store saying that the Cannon River Winery was having several weekends of volunteer grape picking. I immediately emailed to see if there was anything available for a specific weekend and no such...

not old … but classic

As I sit here trying to come up with descriptive words for Spencer I am stuck on ‘turkey stealer’ and ‘glass breaking tail…’     Spence has been a staple at Nelson family events for years and years, and a fun dog to run and play with. He is a black lab that has one...

good lookin family

… so even though I have gobs and gobs of photos to post before I’m officially caught up to these few, I just can’t wait. Sorry family. Sorry kitties. Sorry camping. Sorry weddings. These guys are too cute…     … seriously. this is my favorite. Thanks Curtis family for...