Apr 14, 2011
I did it! My fears aside, I’d have to say I threw one GREAT bridal shower. The guest turnout had much to be desired but what’s most important is the bride-to-be has fun, right?? And I think she did …. I mean really, there was wine. Who wouldn’t have fun?? … and there...
Apr 12, 2011
Oh boy!! I am a firm believer that one of the best things that can happen in your day is that you arrive home, check the mail and have a package in there addressed to you! On the flip side, one of the biggest bummers is when that package in your mailbox is addressed...
Mar 28, 2011
As I mentioned loosely a while back, I’ve had a busy couple months. Part of what I’ve been doing is getting new stuff designed and printed so I can have some fancy-smancy new samples to show clients and new cards to hand out to interested pet lovers. It’s been so fun...
Apr 11, 2010
The last several weeks I have been really feeling the creativity bug. Maybe it is a result of being cooped up so long for winter. I do love my apartment but you can only spend so much time playing Wii fit and watching Legends of the Seeker. Or maybe it is that I am...
Feb 3, 2009
1_31, originally uploaded by photo*guru. howdy! it seems funny to me that under most circumstances i would consider myself a pretty technologically savy person. With flickr, however, I am NOT! i just don’t understand things and i am usually working with a good amount...
Jan 27, 2009
Because this is so cool i am counting this as my photo for the day. SOOOOO COOOL!!! I had seen it before but never have had anything to type in it so…… here is the text of ‘Who Am I?’ from my website. I thought that would be a fun thing to have rotated and...