
i decided… first: I am going to post my 365 project on flickr to maybe help keep me going. I will stay super organized and so on BUT we’ll see because, second: i hate flickr. I don’t like their upload ‘rules’ and their editing options because i can’t figure out how to...

Holy Cowabunga!

Did you know that there are about 62,000,000 active websites out there? And I am trying to make one. I guess I am not just trying to make one, but I am trying to make a special one. Sheesh! There are so many options! Do I purchase a template? How do I make a template...

Etsy Update!

I am excited because last night I spent some time weeding through my favorite photographs picking my most favorite to list on Etsy. Check it out! I am also excited because tomorrow morning I think I might go door to door to the families that have dogs in the...

Oh Holiday

It has started to feel like the Holidays already. I am actually ok with that, even though it is only the first part of November. Normally, that means finals and cramming and final projects and a lot of ice. This year it means getting Christmas presents done early,...

Big News!

I started an Etsy store this evening! I had one a while ago with a few books listed, however I now have one that is for Photography and other creative things 🙂 Find it at: Please stop by and if you are interested, please contact me regarding...

Christmas Cards?

It is slow at work. Real slow. I quite honestly do not have anything to do. So i have taken it upon myself to create mock-up Christmas Card ideas, in case anyone is interested in me designing theirs. I also created some “note” cards with pictures and some “thank you”...