Your Pooch Could Be Famous!

Hello all! I have some fun news that I’ve been trying to iron out for the last week….. Drum Roll….. I am on the hunt for canine models! {you can click the image to make it bigger and easier to read} I am so excited to be offering this! I have ideas for projects that...

on the hunt

I think that after 6 years of a stable and good relationship, my 18 year old Montero is on it’s death bed. And this beauty above is, well, awesome! Course this is a dream, and I’m bound to wind up with something significantly less cool, but wouldn’t it be nice?...

what day is it?

I can’t believe it! It is Thursday. Thursday the 19th of February. That means that yesterday was the 18th of February and that even further away, Monday was the 16th. I have been swamped at work the last few days with over 1/2 our staff at a trade show, and I have...


oh, it is hard to express how much I love Friday. Especially when the weather starts to warm up and I start itching to be outside. I’m also quite excited to have a relaxing weekend of creative thinking and uninterrupted time to work on projects. Ha – how dorky do I...


Hi! I am reposting one of my favorite Roux photos for a photo competition i found online.   I was tempted to submit one of my favorite Lopey shots, but this one tugged at my own heart strings a bit more. Wish her luck! You can find more information on the website and...

Tis the Season

… for wonderful snow to be gone in an instant. The plan was for my dad and I to go skiing on Christmas day, but time did not allow. We instead had a wild and crazy time in snow gear hassling our dog in the backyard. We tore up the yard and then cruised out to the pond...