Jan 30, 2012
While it’s now finally starting to feel like winter up here in Minn-e-sota, we had oodles of sunshine yesterday and today which always makes things a bit more bearable. I am pretty excited because yesterday I got to spend some time with a new addition to the family,...
Jan 17, 2012
oh man … this day after Christmas was THE best day after Christmas I’ve had in a while. I got to spend time with my good friend Emily Steffen and better yet (sorry Emily) I got to play with her and her lovely husband, Aaron’s kiddos. The fuzzy variety. ok … let’s be...
Jan 13, 2012
My mind has switched over from business to crafty and it’s totally buzzing! In that totally spacy, arty mind I just realized, WYLIE hasn’t made it on here!!!! He showed up on my facebook page here in October but never on the blog. I’m so sorry Wylie – it’s been a...
Jan 5, 2012
As mentioned, last weekend I was in Iowa for the New Year. It was fantastic to see so much family and enjoy good food but as expected, incredibly hard. One thing that was nice was that the temp on December 31st reached an unbelievable record high of 53. Ah-mazing!...
Dec 30, 2011
Goodness sakes it’s almost 2012. I can’t believe that! My life still honestly feels like it’s in August and the fact that MN has no snow yet is only encouraging that notion. The last 5 weeks have been organized chaos at work but I’m thrilled to be through it. This...
Nov 19, 2011
Brrr… it’s chilly and gloomy out. Rumor has it, we are getting snow. I will say it time and time again – I.am.not.ready.for.winter. But gloomy, early winter days do allow me to get a lot of photography done. And boy, I have a lot to do!! While editing wedding photos...