this little one year old is such a cutie pie!!

I’m on the run but had to share some of what has consumed the last few hours of my life …  editing photos of this excellent family. There are so many cute ones of these folks! Here are few of my favorites to whet that whistle while I take a break and then get back to...

Tony + Erin … part 2!

… I really do love people in love. You can’t help but smile and be happy! Here is part 2  – the much longer part – of all the fantastic cold fun Tony, Erin and I had last weekend. I had a hoot and loved so many of these photos that I had to post gobs of them. Enjoy!  ...

Tony + Erin

This last Sunday Tony and Erin braved the cold weather to spend time with me and Mur being *lovey dovey* and celebrating their engagement!! These guys were so much fun to work with I can’t wait for their wedding this October. I mean really, who doesn’t love an October...


In the end, it took me less time to edit and organize all the photos from my session with The Steffens and lil Gwenny than it took to actually make it happen! Sheesh! After a blizzard, a car change and another snow storm, we finally were able to get together the day...

oh December

We are only 4 days into December, a month where I rarely see daylight, and I am already looking forward to January. Not that I dislike my job, but I am really looking forward to less stressful work days {ie: less yelling and fewer Christmas cards} and more time at...

iowa family

I know I’ve said it before, but it truly is always a treat to get down to Iowa to visit everyone. A few weeks back I posted just a handful of photos from the festivities and then last weekend I one-upped myself and made a fancy-smancy video. I still don’t really...