Nov 5, 2008
I hope fall is going well for everyone out there!
Nov 2, 2008
Now that this site has an easier way of displaying groups of images, I thought I would post some of my previous work. Some haven’t seen my HDR project that I did after returning from Europe this spring. I made a link under my “Pages” area for my Fine Art Photography....
Nov 1, 2008
The day after Halloween. My “spooky” morning played out like this, which is honestly, quite typical of my Halloween mornings: Woke up. Not so excited to dress up for Halloween. Saw costume ideas and got sad that my costume wasn’t very creative. Got real inspired and...
Oct 21, 2008
It’s Monday. And boy, did today feel like a monday! …This week at work, I have specific work that I must work on. This work entails recontacting clients to ask them if the work they sent us is really the work they want printed. It doesn’t sound like much, but when you...
Oct 17, 2008
I am getting more and more excited the more and more I figure things out 🙂 Here is a run down of my day so far, and the day is young. Today:* edited more Roux photos. I am nearing the end of the training/sample work with her. I am taking pictures of my Aunt’s dog...
Oct 14, 2008
I have joined the world of blogging. It is official. I have a web address. I have a username. And I have a harebrained idea, which, let’s be honest, no one should really be surprised by. Let me start by explaining where I am in my life. I graduated from the University...