Do I Hear a Yahoo?

I have a new computer! Horay!! And it has a web cam. I’ve always thought web cams were a bit on the silly side. I’ve never really had the need to chat with someone through my computer visually and instead I have found texting or email to be a very suitable way to...

i love new stuff

Over the weekend I felt like I got things accomplished. I made a Costco run on Saturday which involved getting a step stool to reach the highest parts of my kitchen and ceiling fan cords, gobs and gobs of granola bars and I partook in purchasing 16 chicken breasts....

it’s official…

my computer is dead. Not something like the battery wont work or the hard drive is fried, no. The entire stinkin machine is dead. And the worst part? It is something that is faulty within the computer and HP/Compaq admits it and yet won’t fix it. That is the part that...

beautiful city

I love Minneapolis. I have always liked the city but it wasn’t until I left for college that I realized, no – I love the city! There is always something to do, there are tons of interesting people, there are so many ‘city’ sounds, we are not far from getting out of...

the good news is i’m into my apartment but the bad news is…

intriguing, right?  I have been very excited (and likewise neglectful of my blog) the last week or so because I got my keys to the apartment and started moving my belongings in. It has been really fun and actually pretty pleasant because in large part to the weather....

weekend awaits

another week has come and gone. I am going out of town this weekend to spend some time in Iowa. Hope it’s sunny everywhere because it’s about darn time the weather started shaping up! a few thoughts before i go…. i know it’s not corn season but this is what i think of...