Mar 27, 2009
It is sunny out! I woke up this morning and the doom and gloom of the last week had passed. How delightful. Sunshine, you betta stay in town! Once again, I am leaving my state behind to head down to New Mexico. And I couldn’t be more excited! I know I just got back...
Feb 11, 2009
Ever have a particular thing that you just always have to know about, be familiar with, almost need to ‘hold’ it, you just crave it?! It is like a hunger that can’t be filled with anything else. Like the feeling I get for chocolate 16 hours a day. And yes, that is...
Jan 30, 2009
You have to admit with this picture, my drive to work looks quite beautiful. Well, don’t be fooled. I drive on the beltways of Minneapolis … 100 to 494 and then the left lane of 494 alllllllll the way across the river valley. ok, yes, the river valley can be quite...
Jan 20, 2009
Today I am pretty sure is the longest day ever. No matter what the sun and solstice tells me, today is the longest. I have been editing photos most of the day for my 365 project. I am having fun, but I seem to get desperate in the evening when I haven’t taken a...
Jan 14, 2009
I got back late last night from Digital Imaging USA and DWF. It was very insightful! I worked at WHCC’s booths {which by the way, were super sweet! We had a double decker booth at one, that you could see the rest of the conference from} and I learned a lot about...
Nov 8, 2008
Ok – so this isn’t from today’s game by all I gotta say is TODAY WAS A GREAT HAWK FOOTBALL GAME! At first I was thinking, Wow the wind looks harsh and the air looks cold, I’m glad I am in my kitchen. THEN as the game went on, I started to be sad I wasn’t there because...