Jul 25, 2010
Before time gets away from me, like it usually does, I wanted to put together a small batch of photos from my BRIEF time in California at Sequoia and Kings Canon National Park. It has already been over a week since I was there, but a week in my time is like I returned...
Apr 27, 2010
Back from Iowa with almost 1200 photos… Yikes! Be back soon.
Mar 7, 2010
… and I’m off. Work is sending me to Vegas and really, I can’t complain. There is a lot to be done at home but… it’s VEGAS! {credit} I’ll be back to regularly-un regular posting next weekend.
Sep 22, 2009
For the last 10+ years on Labor Day Weekend we Nelsons + friends have gone camping somewhere lovely as that last summer horah. It is always really great and relaxing and full of fun people, great food and cool waters. This year, the plans got scratched. So what to do...
Aug 4, 2009
Sheesh. Another Tuesday come and gone. And I still have not caught up from last week. I keep trying to come up with lists of stuff I want to get done because oh boy, am I a list person. When in doubt, I make a list. That having been said, I am having list block! I am...
May 1, 2009
another week has come and gone. I am going out of town this weekend to spend some time in Iowa. Hope it’s sunny everywhere because it’s about darn time the weather started shaping up! a few thoughts before i go…. i know it’s not corn season but this is what i think of...