I am pretty excited for the rest of my day! My plan is to be all kinds of crafty. I took more Roux pics a little while ago, I’ve edited a few others (see magnificent dog below), I am having a glorious cup of hot cocoa while typing a new blog post, I will be baking cookies with my aunt in a while while she is creative, I plan to draw up some proposals to send to a few businesses about why working with me and my dog photography is an awesome idea for them and then i plan to round my night out with maybe a little scrapbooking 🙂 We’ll see how crazy I get.
The other day I said I was going to the dog park with Roux. Well, that didn’t exactly happen as planned. Instead, we went out back and played on the pond. And boy, a dog trying to run (and stop) at full speed on ice is hilarious! At the start of our play date, she seemed to have a ton of energy, which is where the stick series was born:
How much fun is she? Sticks are one of her favorite things! Roux will tear around the backyard often looking for a stick, a small log or a full sized branch afterwhich she will prance back up the house, so proud of her amazing find. That is something that she is proud enough of she will let me take her picture with.
Another element I am trying to capture is Roux napping. Since it is what she spends a good amount of her time doing, I feel it is an aspect of her that I need pictures of. Unfortunately, that is easier said than done. Dogs seem to usually sleep with one eye open, always ready to play or eat. Because of that, if i try to sneak up on Roux, I immediately loose my shot by the inevitable tail wagging or belly rolling. I will not give up! I will achieve the shot! I am a warrior!
I wanted to send a shout out to anyone who is a bit interested in any of my photography, to contact me because I have holiday prices! I am so excited people like my work, so I am adjusting some prices so more people might be able to purchase photographs or other kinds of work. You can get a hold of me via the contact page over —-> there.
Have a marvelous Saturday everyone!