He sounds pretty amazing, right?? Take a look for yourself! 🙂
He is a rather lean pup despite eating more than his pup sister. He has oodles of energy to burn it off but we think his metabolism must be incredibly high as well!
and to finish off his looks, how about snaggle tooth??
Irresistible, right?? He is available through the {amazing} Minnesota Pit Bull Rescue. Please contact them to fill out an application or send me an email {jessica(AT)chocolatemooseimages(DOT)com} and I’ll pass your contact information along. Hooray for rescue dogs!! They are THE BEST! Rescuing saves a life and makes you feel great for doing it 🙂
I love his snaggle tooth! This guy is so cute!
I just want to say that these are still my absolutely favorite pictures of Charlie! 🙂 You are truly so talented. My fiance Christian and I are officially adopting him after sharing “parenting time” with the Jacksons for the last year or so now. We will continue to do that until our housing situation changes, but we are beyond excited to be able to wake up to that Snaggle and all his little quirks for soooo many years to come 🙂 P.S. Do you by chance do Engagement Photos? 🙂