Anyone out there have any suggestions for me on websites and where to get one? I would love some opinions!!
I am pretty excited for tomorrow. Nothing real big is happening, but I plan to enjoy the approaching winter weather from the comfort of a blanket, slippers and cup of hot cocoa. Doesn’t that sound delightful? After working today, ultimately making the day feel like a Friday which, in essence, robs me of a Saturday, I am excited for my 1 precious day tomorrow. The week ahead will be a long one. 10 hour days + hours on Saturday. I just need to remind myself, 5 day weekends! 5 day weekends! I feel fortunate that for Christmas and New Years I have 5 days for each. That is a lot of time in the working world! Now, to get there.
Last week my dad and I decided that we were finally dusting off the Christmas Card list and sending out New Years cards! I am super excited because that means I get to design them.
Warning: Potential Spoiler Below….
I have posted the tentative front to the card. If I have your mailing address, it is quite possible you will get this card. If you want to be surprised, skip the image below.
So that’s the cover. I like it. It’s silly and fun, yet simple, which is pretty much the essence of my family. More is in store for the recipients, including fun photos.
Speaking of fun photos, I have more puppy pics from last weekend. I didn’t get any more posted through the week because I was just pooped after work! Here are some more of the photo-shoot from the last week 1/2…
The little investigator.
“Little: small in size; not big, large, or great”… Even though this word does not describe my dog in the least, it still seems to be an appropriate term. I like to think of her as a little puppy when she gets all wild and crazy.
Anyways, that is quite enough jibber-jabber for tonight/this morning/now. I must get some sleep! I am not accustomed to staying up this late anymore, which in some respects is a shame. But now is not the time to re-dwell on sleep habits, instead I must succumb to the sleep.
Good night all!
Ummm. Your design for your christmas cards is awesome! It puts mine to shame real fast. I love it! I want to see a real copy! You inspire me. I personally have been just so tired after work and even really at work to do anything creative. I cant wait till I get to go home and for our 5 day weekends!