Mmm I do love costco.
On Sunday I did a little work in my dad’s backyard clearing our future garden. It was hard work but neat to see the results. We will have veggies next year, I can feel it!
…BUT the most exciting thing of the weekend? My discovery of this technique…
I took this photo this morning on my porch. Very little was done in Photoshop to manipulate the image. So how does it look this cool, do you ask? It is a technique called TTV (through the viewfinder). When I stumbled upon it I could not make heads/tails of it because I didn’t really understand the concept of a twin lens reflex camera. I am a one lens reflex kinda girl, always have been. So what is with this two lens stuff? I just couldn’t wrap my head around how it works, but it is all crystal clear now.
“Through the Viewfinder photography (TtV) is defined as taking a picture of any subject through the viewfinder of any camera with another camera.” Huh? Yeah. I suspect it is clear as mud for you right now, too. But really, in essence, you take the photograph with your SLR camera {or any other camera} by looking through the view finder of the twin lens reflex. Anyways – I’m not great at typing this out and explaining it and it really requires a visual to understand it {i think} which is accessible from here and here. After seeing what other people have done with it, I feel like it is going to be a challenge to make a ‘bad’ photo from this. The look of these is something that I really love and I have been dapling in it with the tools of Photoshop, but doing it ‘au-natural’ is even better.
Well I must say that this technique has given me new inspiration and creative juice. I am super excited to practice this more and I think this would be an awesome thing to work into my sessions. Oh, I’m in love. And the best thing? My dad’s ENORMOUS collection of cameras contained 3 … yes, 3 Twin Lens Reflex cameras ready for me to use. Horay! I am headed to IA for the weekend for really endless amounts of fun! Wine/Food tonight, Hog Roast tomorrow and Wonderful Wedding on Saturday. Oof! I’ve got me new camera set up but I don’t know how much it will be broken out. Either way, I should have fun stuff to post when I get back.
Have a great July weekend!!