Speaking of big smile, I have big news! An apartment is in my near future. Very near future! I signed a lease for an apartment last week and am very thrilled about it! Short of lower rent {which let’s be honest, we all would love} I can’t complain about any of the features. Yes, I have yet to move in, but at first {and second} glance, everything is lovely. Can’t wait! I’ll post photos once I’m all settled.
Eventhough I’m not feeling very ‘bloggy’ but because a post isn’t complete without a photo, I have a little collage Mrs. Roux. We spent last weekend together which included a long walk, a good play at the park and a lot of time in the sun on the porch.
Have a lovely Monday. Even though it’s pretty much bedtime, I hope you don’t have the same Monday fog that I did all day. It was a challenge to focus and function but because I am expecting more time towards the end of my week to really get creative, I’m feeling good about the week!