This is the beautiful Jackson family of 5!! Amanda is one of the amazing women behind the Minnesota Pit Bull Rescue and when she asked me to come and photograph her family + pit I was over the moon excited!!! After a few delays due to someone showing up a little earlier than planned (hint hint … he’s 2 months old in the above photo and named Roscoe) and a slew of crappy weather days, we finally made it happen. I don’t think we could have asked for any better weather!!
They had a few ideas up their sleeve for their family photos which were great! When I got there, Grady was instantly hoping to play … we set his dogs up on his hammock, played with his Legos and he even helped me photograph Charlie!! He was right over my shoulder (or next to my waist because he’s just 5) and was really interested in everything I was doing. I sense he will be a amazing little artist and may even be after my job in just a few years 🙂
… what an awesome little man!!! he LOVED his crown and tie and was such a good sport the entire morning!! 🙂 he laughed and laughed and gave me nothing but sweet and silly faces or biiiig smoochies for his mom and dad.
and we can NOT forget Paisley. She is one of the prettiest pits I’ve EVER seen!!! 🙂 And she is an amazing jumper!!
… I got a LOT of this combination … pretty, happy and focused dog who all of a sudden decides “I want to nose your face!!!”
but we definitely got some calmer, lovely shots as well 🙂
Thanks Jackson family!!! … pt 2 will be ready to rock very soon!!
These are truly fabulous photos. I feel lucky to know the Jackson family and I am so glad to see that these photos really capture who they are. Great work! 🙂