I have been editing photos most of the day for my 365 project. I am having fun, but I seem to get desperate in the evening when I haven’t taken a picture yet. Therefore, there was about 1 week of photos of my computer screen, my edited pictures or a stack of books not well composed. I am glad I noticed the “issue” early in January, or else this would have been a boring year. I need to get more inspired. I find it hard when I work during most of the light hours of the day, and the other couple are spent showering, eating breakfast and doing my hair.
Here are a few of the newer pictures from the project:
De-lish! For Christmas I got this little kitchen gadget. It is a frother. And it is amazing! I have been making lattes at home like.it.is.my.job! I love em (and my little machine). My theory is you can never have too many kitchen gadgets, unless of course, you have way tooo many kitchen gadgets (…dad).
Mur was up this weekend and we went and sampled some wine at a local wine bar and also got a delicious order of mussels. The event of the picture isn’t super exciting but I like the image (in part for content and in part for color 🙂 )
It is lovely and snowy up here. The word ‘lovely’ is a new addition since last week when we hoped for a high in the single digits. The sun has been shining and the temp has gone up significantly. This photo was snapped while skiing over the weekend. And now I remember why I sometimes like winter.
slight side note: I am super excited because I have found a ton of dog boutiques around town that I am going to swoop into and peddel my photography. I hope some of them are interested! Maybe even enough they would want me to decorate their walls! I am so anxious for the weather to get nicer to be able to play more outside with my ‘clients.’
Until next time – toodles!