This week at work, I have specific work that I must work on. This work entails recontacting clients to ask them if the work they sent us is really the work they want printed. It doesn’t sound like much, but when you have several orders, and phones ringing off the hook, it’s work! So needless to say, I was quite busy today.
Hopefully, my week will go fast, as I am looking forward to seeing the new baby Curtis this weekend in Iowa, seeing good ‘ol Mur and having another Poochy Photo Booth shoot while I’m there. (Bear with me as i figure out the names for things… I can guarantee there will be lots of silly ones before there are good ones! Poochy Photo Booth — Exhibit A)
I hope everyone had a swell weekend. I myself had a nice relaxing couple days. Friday night was a work extravaganza at a corn maze in Hastings, MN. Afterwards I trucked over to my Aunt and Uncles (Aunt— as in Aw-nt … not ant, that is a bug) in Riverfalls, WI where I crashed (as in sleep, not car)! In the morning Carol and I took lil miss Ahni out for some pictures in their front yard. It was a bit of a challenge because Ahni can’t hear as good as she used to so getting her to respond to me was a challenge. I did get some keepers though!
I’m pretty happy with a lot of them. Thanks Carol and George!! You guys were great hosts and dog parents. I hope to do more with her, should time and weather allow. Maybe Thanksgiving? When we are all stuffed to the brim? And hopefully not freezing our petuti off. So why did I title my post Monday Night Blues? Because I am tired enough that I don’t have much energy to do anything productive or even creatively fun, yet not tired enough to throw in the towel and go to bed. So alas, I create a blog post. Maybe after this and the rest of my cider I will get to a scrapbook page or 2. Tis the weather for cider! AND my latest obsession, Chai Tea Lattes (with a shot of coffee — all made from home). De-licious.