Last night marked a {lovely} snow storm that caused my 20 minute commute home to be 60 minutes including 40 of those coasting at less than 10mph. That sort of snow storm leads to one thing – fun fun photos! {Surprised by that answer, aren’t ya?}
Mur and I got up nice and early this morning, made coffee, dressed for a blizzard, packed up the camera and took off for Lake Harriet.
It was excellent! The sun was peeking out. The wind was crisp. And I was able to get some {seriously needed!!} exercise.
… oh yeah, and got some more ‘epic’ shots of the Mur-ster. He is really a good sport about the whole thing – especially if he has already had a cup of coffee.
… and what’s a nice day without a keepsake. We now have images for our newest album, soon to be released. Thoughts?
Happy December!! And if I can stay awake, have an energy left and can think straight I will make sure to keep posting through the month of December …. No promises though
Great pictures