I don’t have any really great excuses for why I haven’t made a post in a while. I could claim it’s because the ‘P’ key on my computer seems to be on the fritz. That might be part of it, but not the whole reason. I could claim that it’s because Murray and I celebrated Christmas last week by opening up this baby …
That also may be part of it but not the whole reason.
I do think that a large culprit as to why I have been so absent on here is because I have had other goals and things on my mind. Designing a bit of this. Editing a bit of that. More of which I will show in (lets hope) the coming weeks.
But most of all I have also been doing a lot of this…
This is my desk at work. Nice screen but utterly boring! With the holidays just around the corner, we are more busy than ever which means my hours have gone THROUGH the roof. It’s nice for the bank account but sad for my creative state of mind. The list of “Things I’d rather be doing than sitting at a desk for 11 hours a day…” is so huge I can’t even start to recount it.
As a conclusion to my post that is as equally sad as some of my high Wii scores, let me leave you with some deliciousness.
Mint M&Ms so delicious and minty you will eat the entire bag. In one sitting. Not that I know from personal experience. I’m just guessing.
… I promise, I will be back. Arnold style.