French Fries… they are always hot, fresh and super greasy but AMAZING. I have never had such a good French fry.
Pronto Pup… the State Fair staple. It’s really just a corn dog but I think it is actually against the rules to leave without having one. I saw someone get questioned at the gate once.
and Sweet Martha’s cookies… the second best cookies I’ve ever had. They are gooey, warm, chocolaty and OVER. FLOWING. in their bucket of goodness. Aside from sorta knowing Sweet Martha (who was a teacher friend of my moms) I just really think she makes a delicious cookie! I did say second best because my bestest friend’s mom makes the BEST cookies I’ve ever had, but she doesn’t have a booth at the fair – yet.
Aside from the staples I tried more food until I was not sure I could do anything else but sleep. We each sampled a Summit’s beer while watching stand up comedy and a Leine’s beer while watching a mediocre variety show.
When we needed a break from food we walked on down to the midway to check out the scene. I remember as a child going to the fair with my parents and being so excited for the midway (ie: rides/games/toys/bright lights/etc.) and way less excited for the boring stuff like the Art barn or the Horticulture barn. Surprisingly enough, I grew out of the steal-your-money games and got more interested in art. Fast forward 12ish years and add my dad’s great idea to take photos of the midway after dark and you have a fun event!
fun was had by all! And I don’t even think it was too much torture to spend an evening with 2 photographers who at the time, in their possession, had a combined collection of 5 cameras.
just look at that excitement!
And as a post Labor Day post, adios State Fair. We will eat again!