On the other hand, my weekend was great. Super relaxing and laid back. What did I do? I scrapbooked, watched football, drank a bit of wine, took photos, caught up on some Netflix faves, went to the REI scratch and dent sale (Hiya!! Amazing deals) and deep fried some chicken. Well rounded, eh? And now it’s evening and it’s approaching the witching hour where regardless of what I am doing I fall asleep… It’s 9pm.
Meh – not a ton to say tonight. I’m itching for some more photos to take. I’m in the market for a new lens and can.not.wait until I get it so I can just play-play-play. I find my photo taking in the winter is far more sporadic than in the spring, summer or fall but I’ll try to keep the blog alive as we all hibernate here in Minnesota.
… And since I have nothing to say, let’s move right along to some random photos, all of which are from this fall.
.., yeah, I’m totally exhausted. Not only am I thinking about the week ahead of me but I’m thinking about everything I so wish to get accomplished before the end of the year. I’ve given up on some of the more ‘wild dreams’ but even with those aside, I’ve got some work to do in 2 months … But 2011 here I come. Can’t wait!
Wow – what a seemingly discombobulated post. Anyways, good night all. Happy Monday!