I kicked the weekend off by heading over to my dad’s to get started on bottling our new brew. To my pleasant surprise, he had brought home a marvelous toy to play with …
I lovingly call it The Beast. It is the Canon 1D — a camera that could seriously knock someone out if used as a weapon. And with that, I proceeded to photograph the entire weekend. Which is possibly why I’m so excited about it.
Bottling was fun. Never done it before but can’t wait to do it again. And with these 2 on my team, who wouldn’t want to keep working?
We bottled a full case of 12oz bottles plus a few growlers and some nifty flip top bottles that are, well, nifty looking. Beer tasting will commence in a few weeks. I’ll report back.
On Saturday I tried really hard to spend money and just couldn’t quite do it. A seemingly big bummer, I know. Mur thinks so too. What happened was that I went to the camera store and I had this lens totally picked out (and paid for and 3/4 of the way home) when I realized it wouldn’t work out. What a pitty!
After camera toy shopping, we came back to work on this…
We have started clearing out garden space for the year. It went so much faster than I expected due to the handiwork of Mur + Dad + rented tiller + me staying out of the way. It was fantastic! For city kids we are going to have so many veggies. It’s not hundreds of feet of potatoes, but I think we’ll survive – and besides, I know where I can stock up on said potatoes.
So that turned into…
We finally got Roux to swim last year and reintroduced her to the pond behind the house this year. So far so good. I mean, I guess dad will have the final say on the ‘good’ matter since it’s his stinky wet dog. Either way, we had fun on Saturday – and that’s what matters, right?
Swimming led to…
Yep – who can do yard work without breaks for beer? And that turned into…
A super cool photo shoot with the pup. And if you ask her, she would agree that she needed some new head shots.
And this was all done while I was supposed to be cleaning up garden tools and/or chopping something for dinner. Of course.
Next came…
Whoa Nelly. Fancy burgers? Get down with your bad self!
Ahhhh what a great weekend! And after that? I did my taxes. What a party pooper, eh?Not so exciting and definitely not photograph worthy so I’ll just let you imagine me sitting at a computer figuring out how my business did in 2009. Pretty riveting!