I’ve been trying to rekindle my artsy fartsy roots lately because I’m getting a craving for scrapbooking or bookbinding or something of the like. How have I been attempting this? With a restructuring of how I contain my art supplies. This started a few weekends ago when C & Dad and I decided when we would be having our family garage/barn sale this summer.
June 5th & 6th – be there or be square
That means I’ve got to get all the extra wonderful stuff I really will never use organized, priced and pretty in less than a week. Doesn’t sound so bad, but I’ve had events upon events happening each weekend for the last 4 making time a bit tight.
I spent the majority of 3 Saturdays ago going through the bag of extra scrapbook stuff I compiled before the move as well as the box of extra scrapbook stuff I compiled after the move together with the basket I compiled that day. I know – it sounds like I’ve got the room to purge! But there’s more…
Innocently enough, I was trying to remember the name of a particular Quickutz alphabet I want to bestow upon another lovely Quickutz user, so I went to their website. And I saw this…
Since leaving Reminisce last summer, I haven’t been keeping as close of tabs on the up-and-coming scrapbook supplies, which I actually find to be a blessing to my bank account. I had no idea Quickutz had come out with *new* seasonal sets. It was love at first sight! I mean really, look at those trees. What can’t you do with a handful of trees? I immediately started to do the math and figured that if I sell the few Kutz I have to get rid of, I might make enough money to pay for my new alpha/shape set. I bounced back and forth for quite some time weighing the pros and cons {as I do with most purchases} and settled on the clear fact that, yes I needed this. And no, I can’t wait until I have my sale earnings. In case you are thinking I probably have enough alphabets {insert Mur’s voice of reason with loud exclamation point after hearing the price}, you might have a bit of a point. So why am I buying another? Don’t fret, I plan to do big things with this one. In fact I used part of it to make the signs for our garage sale today. See, already starting to pay for itself. Darn internet.
My other super awesome recent online score is this fuzzy wonder…
I picked this up on Thursday morning and don’t really want to take it off yet. Ok – my love for fleece isn’t quite that extreme, but pretty darn close. The best part is that it has built in thumby holes. I know. You’re a bit jealous. Those usually take lots of work and wear and tear. Not anymore. North Face now makes clothes with holes built in. Jokes aside – fleece is my friend. I suggest you get yourself one too.
On a more photographic note, I have been a busy bee the last couple weeks! As I mentioned last time, I was embarking upon my first Equine photo shoot the following weekend. And today, after some quick math and calendar checking, I find out I’m late on posting those ‘sneak peaks!’ A week ½ ago I had a photo shoot with Ben and Jo, the beautiful horse and rider duo. They were so much fun to work with! Ben started to become a real ham after a while and I think Jo had some fun too. They did some of their favorite activities and I stood by in awe and snapped photos wildly.
We did some formal riding photos…
and some more fun, goofy photos…
{ok – you can’t say this isn’t awesome! My ‘nose’ dream has come true several times in the last few weeks, it’s just amazing}
We traipsed through some knee high dewy grass resulting in gorgeous photos and a pair of jeans that are nearly dry.
The weather was perfect and oh so moody. I will be working with Jo again to snap some photos of her cat, Bert in the coming weeks. She has said he is shy which might be a challenge, but I seem to work well with cats. I think it’s because they sense my serious love for their species and also somehow know I’m a sucker for anything fuzzy that purrs or nuzzles. Get’s me every time.
Ok – I promise – this is my last attempt at soliciting animals for me FREE mini photo session. I have a few spaces still available and I would LOOVE to have a few more dogs come out for their photos! {Deb that means you – there’s still time to plan a weekend} Either contact me via the blog, or send me a message from my ‘Want to Know More?’ portion of my website. It will be a blast, I promise!
And I really will try to make another post soon. I have some fun photos from my wild and crazy Minnesota activities of late. A train ride {to WI and back} and whitewater rafting {down a brown and wet river}. I know, I don’t mess around anymore when it comes to my goings-on during a weekend. Winter is over – I feel so free! I wonder how it feels during spring in Florida. I would think a lot less climactic.
For those of you not paying attention yet, let me shout a recap in green. There will be a garage sale on June 5th and 6th in Riverfalls, WI (at an undisclosed address only accessible if you tell me you are interested and give me the password of “chicken”). There we will have much more than scrapbook supplies including books, tools, some tack items, household goods, etc. All items I know you can’t live without any longer. And there will be a FREEEEE mini photo session following the garage sale the day after (June 7th). For that, definitely send me a quick message and I’ll give you more details!