It could be the coffee that I had today or the lack of projects to do at work, but i am super excited about this! Go to www.wordle.netto make your own fun exciting filled wordle. For all you scrapbookers out there… Hello? SUUUper awesome, huh? I will be playing with this for most of the rest of my day. It will fit in between brainstorming beautiful ways to present a box of photos and sitting on hold with UPS trying to find delayed packages at my job.
Don’t get me wrong, I do work at my job. But blogging has turned into an addiction for me. It is really what keeps me going and busy at work during these slow times. I feel like it is my reward for working through the holidays. Today I came across this really neat site, Blogs of Photogs which highlights different fun blogs of different fun photographers. It is making my day much more exciting! I have so many new blogs to stalk. And by ‘stalk’ I do mean read about in a ‘fabulously intrigued, non-threatening type bystandered’ way.
So I’ve decided that something I need to do is spice up my bl0g. One little ‘pick-me-up’ this page could use would be more of a sense for the random. I’m pretty positive anyone who knows me just fell off their chair when reading that and thought, “more random? I don’t think this girl could be more random!” Yes, I have a tendency to not edit my thoughts before I blurt them out. This means I can go from talking about photography to talking about tatter-tot-casserole to talking about the beach. However, I find I do edit when I am coming up with subjects to talk about on my blog. Well, no more, I say! I admire the way Cathy Zielske , for example, can take a subject such as a photo from a Church Directory Portrait Session and turn it into a gut busting display of comedy only truly done justice by a spot light, a microphone and a dingy club. (By the way, in case anyone cares, that is an official statement about my belief in Cathy’s stand-up comedy skills.)
Anyways, to sum things up, I hope to make light of more random subjects to make my readers smile. With that, I hope everyone has a lovely Tuesday because it is the day after Monday, and just thiiiiis much closer to the weekend. Can’t complain about that 🙂
Ok and I couldn’t help but make a second Wordle. LOOOOOOOVE this!
oooo! I love these little word collage things. So cute! The fonts are fabulous. I like the oranges and yellows on top the white, it just pops!!